Knowing On The Bad Effects Of Drunk Driving In Houston
Drinking and driving are prohibited by law and rightly so because drunk driving is an ill-advised action posing a grave danger to the driver and other innocent road users.
Alcohol impairs human judgment and makes it hard for the drunk person to pay attention or take safety precautions while driving.
The policy framework on drunk driving is not all effective in deterring some individuals from drinking and driving. However, it is in the best interest that we talk openly about drinking and driving to stir conversations and emphasize to individuals who lack a clear understanding of the dangers of the vice.
What The Numbers Say
Currently, 27 cases of death from drunk driving are reported each day. Statistics also show men are more likely to drive while intoxicated than women. For every 5 cases of drunk driving, 4 of the cases are caused by men.
32% of all incidents involving drunk driving are caused by young men within the age bracket of 21 -34 years.
Drunk Driving is A Major Cause Of Car Accidents
Car accidents are the most common form of accident associated with drunk driving. A high concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream damages rational thinking and our reliance on the human common senses. Too much alcohol slows down the speed of reaction from the human brain making it hard for the drunk person to process thoughts and information as a sober person would.
When the normal brain and sensory functions are compromised by alcohol, it becomes extremely hard for the driver to maintain focus to stay out of danger while on the road. Road accidents involving cars are bound to happen when one driver is not paying attention to how they drive and to the cars near them.
Alcohol significantly also slows down muscular reaction making it difficult for a drunk driver to slow down or hit emergency brakes before a crisis.
Danger To Other Road Users
The impact of drunk driving has huge adversarial effects on the safety of other people using the road. Many people’s lives, including that of the drunk driver, are at risk whenever a drunk person decides to drive themselves home after a day out drinking with friends.
After many car accidents, drunk drivers either end up injuring or killing themselves. In 22.3% of the car accidents caused by drunk driving and where the driver died, the driver’s blood alcohol concentration was 0.08% or more.
In other cases, drunk drivers often end up dying or causing serious injuries to other people after colliding with other road motorists. It is estimated at least one driver was drunk in 53. .2% of all car-to-car collisions that turned fatal.
How Much Alcohol Constitutes To Drunk Driving?
As per the law, the blood alcohol concentration is limited to 0.08%. Driving with a blood alcohol measure of 0.08% and above constitutes an offense of driving under the influence of alcohol.
On average, the intake of four beers will raise the blood alcohol concentration to 0.08%. This rule of thumb may differ for the female gender where a woman can attain a 0.08% blood alcohol limit with an intake of only 2 to 3 beers.
To the average person, 5 beers will raise the blood alcohol concentration limit to 0.10% while 7 beers will raise the blood alcohol concentration limit to 0.15%.
Picking a designated driver is the most important thing to do when you go out for drinks with family and friends. Alternatively, you can take a taxi home to avoid driving yourself home if you have been drinking.
Additionally, do not allow a drunk person to drive you either. Call the police when you suspect someone is driving while drunk and help save lives.
Got a DUI/DWI charge? Give Attorney Jim a call today and let him give you a free consultation so that you can get the help that you need.