Stay Safe With A DWI Attorney In Houston After Labor Day Weekend!

Were You Driving Labor Day Weekend? Highway Patrol Crackdowns Were Expected!

Labor Day weekend ran from Friday, September 1st until the 4th, which is Monday and Labor Day itself. Every year, this is a short break from the hard-working schedules so many Texans live regularly so they can enjoy some time with friends and family. They might get together at home or take quick road trips inside the Lone Star State. Unfortunately, the annual Labor Day weekend also carries with it many driving while intoxicated arrests, both across the nation and the state, leading to an increase in business and demand for DWI lawyer in Houston TX professionals.

Butler Law Firm | Houston Labor Day Weekend DWIsTexas has a number of local and statewide law enforcement agencies, and like their colleagues across the United States, they are very aware of the higher odds of motorists getting behind the wheel after they’ve had too much to drink at their Labor Day festivities. That awareness actually stirs up overzealousness in a few officers, who might start seeing drunk drivers anywhere they look, even if the driver is not actually legally intoxicated. Certain police departments might also have higher arrest quotas for DWI’s over the Labor Day weekend, which puts undue and unintentional pressure on their officers to put more drivers in cuffs over the course of their shift.

In any case, it honestly shouldn’t matter to you if police officers are arresting people unjustly or not, since the only real way to stay out of your own DWI trouble is just not ever drink and then drive over Labor Day weekend. Our DWI lawyers in Houston TX are ready to stand beside you and preserve your legal rights, as well as your driving privileges, no matter what, should you get arrested for something like DWI. On the other hand, we’d much rather see everyone around us just stay safe to start with.

Here’s a handy list of effective ways to have to avoid needing a DWI lawyer in Houston TX over the labor day weekend so you can just avoid drinking and driving as a combination:

Designated driver

Also known as DD in many cases, this is perhaps the oldest trick known to exist, and yet, it’s still more effective than any other option. Have your immediate circle of Labor Day friends and family choose someone to be the designated driver, and then hold them accountable for their pledge not to do any drinking. Even a single alcoholic beverage is too many for someone who is the DD.

Collect the keys

At a number of parties, the party host collects the keys of attending drivers and puts them some place safe. When someone wants to leave, they have to prove their sobriety to a sober host so it’s established they’re okay to drive. Always check with the hosts of any Labor Day event or party you go to in order to find out if they’re doing that.


If your smartphone doesn’t have a ridesharing app already on it, put one there. Most Androids already have Uber on them, for instance. If you get too drunk for driving safely, then a ridesharing app might be your safe way home. You can always expect higher than usual rates over Labor Day weekend due to increased demand, but your per-mile fee is going to be a lot cheaper than a crash or an arrest.


Do you personally know the hosts of your Labor Day weekend event or party that you’re going to? Do you trust them? Ask them if they’re going to let intoxicated drivers spend a night safely in a guest room or couch. As always, it’s a lot better to be late tomorrow then have a crash or arrest today.

Pull over

There are times where alcohol needs a while before really starting to impact the cognitive abilities and motor skills of a person. It’s entirely feasible that a driver might start heading home after a Labor Day event or festivity thinking they’re safe to drive, just to find out they’re actually not when already on the road. In these situations, the best possible idea is to pull entirely off the road, hopefully into a parking area, where you can call a taxi or ride to get you home. Be mindful of the fact that if a police officer discovers you asleep in your car while you’re intoxicated, you can still face a DWI charge, even if the vehicle is off and not moving.

In Closing

We know that folks sometimes make mistakes, but if you found yourself getting arrested for a DWI over the Labor Day weekend, then we sincerely hope that you consider us as your DWI lawyer in Houston TX if you need veteran representation you can trust for compassion. Find out just that quality of legal service and let us make your case; call or contact us right away from a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with a member of our team.

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