Professional DUI Attorney, Defense Attorney & DWI Offense Attorney In Fayetteville, TX

Have you gotten a DWI? You are stressed up and see no salvation from your current situation? Mr. Jim Butler is here to help you.

He is a licensed attorney and has been in practice for 24 years. Mr. Butler endeavors to rescue his clients from being incarcerated where they could have lost their livelihoods, leaving their families in a financial and mental torment. Currently, his time is devoted to types of cases that are 100% DWI (driving while intoxicated). Although he is not a proponent of drunk driving, he is appalled at the arrest of many innocent people. This is the main reason he is a DUI lawyer today.

It should be clear that there are serious consequences for receiving such an offense. If you are caught with the offense, find a Houston lawyer to make it a DWI defense. If you are found guilty of this offense, you can have your license suspended or revoked, risk fall-out of the family. You can even end up losing your employment or worse, end up in jail.

A DWI can derail the lives of your family, yourself and also the workplace. There is also the added burden of compromising your public commute going to and from employment, messing up your errands and shopping tasks and other family-related obligations. If you do nothing, you risk having your license suspended for 40 days from the onset of the charge being made. 

However, being convicted of this crime is not an end to itself. It is the start of a process that can stretch out for a long time. Technical issues and convictions, fines, license loss, and incarceration are a matter of the law. 

An experienced lawyer is vital if you have to navigate through the legal process and have your rights protected. It can also help if you want to achieve the best outcome whatever the circumstances. Mr. Butler owns a Criminal Law office based in Houston by the name Jim Butler Law Firm. Butler Law Firm has been operating and has accumulated 24 years’ worth of legal experience. Depending on your circumstances, Mr. Butler can help you settle for the best possible outcome.

His firm has the needed legal know-how to ensure that if charged with DWI or DUI criminal offense, you are getting a good chance of a successful outcome. Through the process of law, they ensure all of their clients’ rights are safeguarded. Mr. Butler will stop at nothing to achieve a resolution of the issue at hand under the law. Get in touch and call Mr. Butler immediately if you have a DWI case. He is also available for a free consultation as you discuss the details of your case.

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